Sunday, February 18, 2007

Japanese Restraunts in Review

Well guys today I think I will tell you a little about Japan. I have lived in Japan for 2 1/2 years. And I love the food diversity of this country. If you are ever in Japan you need to go to Banzai. Banzai is an Okinawan style restaurant with great atmosphere and moderately priced meals. It is located near Shori Station in Yokosuka. If you are in the mood for cheap and fast Chinese food try Bamiyan near the same area except closer to route 16. Surprisingly another great place to eat is El Toritos in Yokohama. It has some of the best Mexican food this far east and the price is not to bad either. If you want to just explore and let your taste buds lead the way just go to Yokohama. When you arrive head to the World Porte mall behind Queen's Tower and Cosmo World. It has a wide array of taste and delicacies. If you are in to wine this place also has great wine boutiques. Well that is it for today I'll have more reviews tomorrow.

1 comment:

Miss Vine said...

i can't wait till i get to taste your cooking... =)

